New Year. New Members
Happy New Year! A new year has always meant new beginnings. Many people ring in the New Year each December 31st with drunken resolutions and promises galore. But then it’s time to put your best foot forward and make these resolutions a reality.
I am happy to report that we here at American Bard are putting that proverbial foot firmly on the ground. 2015 already has an abundance of new beginnings. Our artistic ensemble is growing by leaps and bounds. Bacchae Redux alums Michele Butler, Erika Jenko and Mickey Pantano have joined the fold along with Michael Heitzler at the helm of the Artistic leadership.
Phew! That’s a lot.
The winter and spring will be quite active, with the premiere of the ‘Cornerstone Reading Series.’ The series will focus on great works by 'American bards.’ But before that we will have a special Valentines Day Shakespeare performance.
The ‘Cornerstone’ series was hatched in the mind of Mr. Heitzler. While researching plays we discovered that a vast amount of influential American plays have not been produced in quite some time. To kick things off we will be reading The Children’s Hour by Lillian Hellman in March. The Skin of Our Teeth by Thornton Wilder will follow that in April.
The inaugural season will end with Eugene O’Neill’s Ah, Wilderness! in May. All of these plays had impactful societal effects when they were originally produced. In the coming months I’ll go into detail on each one of these masterpieces.
For now, our ever growing Artistic ensemble has our work cut out for us. The best work possible.
Check back here for monthly updates. Many exciting things are coming. Stay tuned!
Jack Herholdt
Dramaturge/Marketing Director/ Ridiculous individual